"Please know that having this student in my class really is a mutually beneficial experience. If she can get out of class ½ of what she brings to the class, then it is a huge win for everyone.”
--IU Indianapolis Course Instructor
The IU School of Education in Indianapolis has been awarded a federal grant as part of the Transition and Postsecondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities initiative under the Higher Education Act of 2008. We have begun an exciting college campus based transition program called SITE - Skills for Independence, Transition and Employment - involving a partnership between area public schools and IU Indianapolis. Our goal is to serve students with intellectual disabilities ages 18-22 in an age appropriate campus setting. The 1-2 year program involves individualized campus and community-based experiences such as ‘auditing’ select courses, 1:1 tutoring and mentoring by School of Education students, employment, and transition to adult life.
Resources of Interest
Link to Course Instructor Feedback Form to the SITE Program (docx) (pdf)
IU Indianapolis Courses Taken by SITE Students (coming soon)
As a member of your class, the SITE student will not receive a grade. However, s/he should be included to the maximum extent possible in class activities and homework assignments. A SITE staff member will provide a personal profile about the student and can consult with you as needed to help the student access the instruction in your course. We have found that, with modest facilitation, other students in the class will readily assist the student with various aspects of the class, such as participating in class activities.
If you should have any questions, concerns, or suggestions for how we can better assist you, please do not hesitate to contact your SITE contact person (Gwen Chesterfield, Steve Savage, or Apple Quick). Feel free to contact me at any time at 317-274-6861 or progan@iu.edu.
Pat Rogan, Ph.D.
Executive Associate Dean
IU School of Education in Indianapolis